RIE and ALE Processes for Quantum Devices

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Plasma-based Reactive Ion Etch and Atomic Layer Etch processes are critical for the fabrication of quantum devices of all kinds. Dr Russ Renzas will describe processes for established and emerging materials used to make a wide range of quantum devices including superconducting qubits, quantum photonic elements, and diamond-based quantum sensors. These devices require highly controlled, stable processes that will not damage the surface and leave no residues.

This webinar will give an introduction of:

  • The various etch platforms that are available and their differences
  • How each etch system can be used to overcome some of the processing roadblocks
  • Quantum-specific examples of what can be done and why it should be done during device fabrication process
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On Demand


1 hour 10 minutes




Plasma Technology


Dr Russ Renzas - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Quantum Technology Manager

Dr Russ Renzas is the Quantum Technology Manager at Oxford Instruments, where he focuses on the use of atomic layer deposition ...


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