Plasma Processing for Compound Semiconductors and Photonics

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In this workshop, we bring together our experts to share with you our plasma processing solutions for the compound semiconductor industries, including GaN HEMT devices, InP-based compounds and CMT and photonic crystals. These solutions are based on core technologies in plasma-enhanced deposition and etch, ion-beam deposition and etch, atomic layer deposition, atomic layer etching and deep silicon etch. Also, we will share our product portfolio which ranges from compact stand-alone systems for R&D, through batch tools and up to clustered cassette-to-cassette platforms for high-throughput production processing.

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On Demand


4 hours 20 minutes




Plasma Technology


Time (TRT)

Talk Title



Welcome and Inauguration

Ian Wright


Introduction of SemiTech (Distributor in Turkey) and Oxford Instruments

Mustafa Ozturk


Introduction to etch and deposition product portfolio

Grant Baldwin


Tea Break


Plasma Processing Solutions for Maximising GaN HEMT performance

Aileen O'Mahony, Matthew Loveday, Sean Cho


Lunch Break


Etching Compound Semi for Photonics Applications including In-based compounds and CMT

Katie Hore


Atomic Layer Deposition Coating for Optical Applications

Yi Shu


Plasma processing techniques including Mask Preparation and End pointing

Ligang Deng


Plasma Processing Solutions for Maximising GaN HEMT performance
Dr Aileen O’Mahony, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology

GaN HEMTs are the enabling technology for RF amplifiers, smaller more energy-efficient charging devices, high voltage power switches and high frequency 5G base stations. As a material, GaN offers significant possibilities for efficiency improvements, higher operating temperatures which will lead to smaller, lighter and more cost-efficient power semiconductor components. There are still significant device challenges that need to be addressed to maximise the device performance limits. In this workshop, Dr Aileen O'Mahony will share the newest developments on atomic layer deposition for low damage, high-quality dielectrics and passivation layers, and update on our technology solutions for accurate, controlled atomic layer etching for pGaN HEMTs and GaN MISHEMTs.

Etching Compound Semi for Photonics Applications including In-based compounds and CMT
Dr Katie Hore, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology

The applications for photonic integrated circuits is growing rapidly with In-based compounds forming a major part of existing and emerging markets. Dr Katie Hore will talk about plasma processing of In-based compounds for a variety of devices including lasers and photodiodes. It is essential to control the critical dimensions of these materials during fabrication to achieve the desired device results. She will focus on how to achieve vertical profiles, excellent surface quality and low device damage using the two common InP etch chemistries. Also, Dr Katie Hore will also talk about processing less common materials for photonics applications such as CMT and lithium niobate.

Plasma processing techniques including Mask Preparation and End pointing
Dr Ligang Deng, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology

The plasma dry etching process is a critical step for fabricating photonic devices. The etch quality such as etched profile, sidewall, and etched depth impact directly the device performance. How do we optimise the process to obtain a high-quality device? In this talk, Dr Ligang Deng will use some case studies to explain how we obtain high quality etched results. Another question that has been widely asked by users is how we control and monitor the etching process. The second part of Dr Ligang Deng will focus on the endpoint detector technique, explaining which technique is better for your applications.


Dr Aileen O’Mahony - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Atomic Scale Processing Product Manager

Dr Aileen O’Mahony has a PhD in Chemistry from University College Cork in the field of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) for micr...

Dr Katie Hore - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Team Leader for Optoelectronics, Power and RF

Dr Katie Hore is the Commercial Solutions Team Leader for Optoelectronics, and Power and RF at Oxford Instruments Plasma Techno...

Dr Ligang Deng - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Principal Process Engineer


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