Plasma Processes for InP devices and III-V materials

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Indium Phosphide (InP) is a direct bandgap III-V compound semiconductor with high electron mobility. This makes it ideal for optoelectronic devices such as high-frequency laser diodes (LD), photodiodes, microlens etc.

To control the critical dimensions of these materials during the fabrication process, it is essential to achieve vertical profile, low device damage and excellent surface quality of the sidewalls to get the desirable results.

In this webinar, Dr Mark Dineen will focus on plasma etch solutions for InP and related materials, analysing two InP etch chemistries, CH4/Cl2/H2 and Cl2/Ar. Also, he will demonstrate the process requirements for the successful fabrication of a variety of optoelectronic devices:

  • Laser diodes (LD), photo diode
  • Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG)
  • Microlens
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40 minutes




Plasma Technology


Dr Mark Dineen - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Technical Marketing Manager

Dr Mark Dineen has over 20 years of plasma processing experience. His more recent work includes applying this knowledge to a wi...


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