Large Area Dry Etching of Slanted Gratings for Augmented Reality Applications

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This webinar will give you an insight into the latest advancements at Plasma Technology on dry etching slanted features for Augmented Reality.

Waveguide combiners based on slanted gratings are a technology of choice to demonstrate high efficiency for in grating coupler. However, there are numerous challenges in their manufacturing process.

In this webinar, we discuss one of the most mature manufacturing approaches based on stamping. We'll explain how we have developed a solution for 45 degree angled features on a 200mm wafer area.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to manufacture slanted grating for Augmented Reality using the Oxford Instruments IonFab® system
  • How to control critical gratings parameter to maximise yield on large wafer size
  • Best practises to demonstrate tight control of manufacturing tolerances
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Special Talk by Yole Devéloppement

'Introduction to the Augmented Reality Market' by Dr Zine Bouhamri, PhD, Technology & Market Analyst, Displays at Yole Devéloppement.

On Demand

On Demand


40 minutes




Plasma Technology

In Partnership With


Dr Sebastien Pochon - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Senior Applications Engineer

Sebastien received his PhD in Laser Physics from Southampton University, UK. He studied at Salford University, UK, where he rec...

João Ferreira - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Product Manager

João joined Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology in 2009 as a Project Manager and in 2017 joined the Product Management team t...

Dr Zine Bouhamri - Yole Devéloppement
Technology & Market Analyst

As a Technology & Market Analyst, Displays, Zine Bouhamri, PhD, is a member of the Photonics, Sensing & Display division at Yol...


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