Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Introduction of Unity, the world's first BEX imaging detector for SEM

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Join us for the launch of Unity, the world's first Backscattered Electron and X-ray (BEX) imaging detector for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Until now, imaging in the SEM has been in grey level using mainly secondary electrons and backscattered electrons to give topographical and indicative composition information. BEX is a revolutionary imaging technique that combines Backscattered Electron and X-ray simultaneously in a single imaging technique. In addition to topographical information, BEX imaging provides coloured images embedded with precise elemental information of the sample under the same acquisition and operating conditions of SE and BSE imaging. Join us to learn more about Unity detector and how it will change the way we use scanning electron microscopy.

You will learn:

    • The science behind BEX technique and the Unity detector 
    • What can Unity BEX do for you? 
    • How will the BEX technique change the way SEM is used? 
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    1 Hour





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    Dr Haithem Mansour - Oxford Instruments
    BEX Product Manager

    Dr. Haithem Mansour graduated with a PhD in Material Science from the University of Lorraine in France. He joined Oxford Instru...


    What is BEX (Backscatter Electron and X-ray)? Get ahead of the webinar, and learn all about this exciting new technique on our educational page!