Fabrication of Biomedical Devices for On-chip Analysis and Diagnostics

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Healthcare and life science R&D is witnessing a paradigm shift due to advances in semiconductor device processing. The demand for quick and accurate diagnostics as well as the ever-increasing requirements of speed and efficiency in biomedical research is driving the need for smaller, faster and more accurate semiconductor devices.

Growing applications of such devices in these markets are in turn enabling novel understanding, discovery and treatment of disease to make healthcare more affordable and efficient, both in and out of the clinic.

This webinar will focus on how Oxford Instruments fabrication solutions could enable you to build a wide variety of biomedical devices and overcome a variety of challenges including:

  • Fabrication of microfluidics channels using plasma processing
  • Surface hydrophobicity control using plasma processing 
  • Fabrication of advanced sensing and transducer layers (Eg: SiNx, AlOx, 1D nanowires, 2D materials etc)
  • Coatings for passivation and biocompatibility
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On Demand


30 minutes




Plasma Technology


Dr Ravi Sundaram - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Head of strategic R&D Markets

Dr Ravi Sundaram is the Head of strategic R&D Markets at Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology responsible for leading the marke...


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