Deep Silicon Etch Techniques and their Applications for Device Manufacturing

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Plasma processes are important for emerging silicon-based micro electromechanical systems (MEMS), nano electromechanical systems (NEMS) and advanced packaging (AP) applications. Typically, every device has a customised process flow, but synergies can be found as most are produced using a 2.5D approach comprising sequential deposition, lithography and etch cycles.

Silicon etch is at the heart of the most MEMS and NEMS devices. In this webinar, we will discuss the merits of each Deep Silicon Etch technique, including Bosch, Cryogenic and Mixed Gas processes, and their application to emerging devices.

Plasma processes are critical in enabling reproducible dry deposition and etch steps during manufacturing. Increasingly plasma processes are being adopted in nanoimprint lithography and bonding process steps.

Large cavities are also being etched to realise multi-wafer devices where through silicon vias (TSVs) are emerging as a key interconnect technology. The integration of atomic layer deposition (ALD) into MEMS is becoming more common, whilst NEMS devices are taking advantage novel combinations of plasma processes and materials to realise new functions. Integrated silicon photonics has been widely developed on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) material for data communication, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), but also quantum computing.

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45 minutes




Plasma Technology


Dr Zhong Ren - Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
Principal Applications Engineer

Dr Zhong Ren received his PhD degree in photonics from the University of Bristol in 2008. After that he worked on compound semi...


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