Solutions Portfolio for Space Exploration

Modern astronomy demands advanced imaging and spectroscopy capabilities. Whether you're capturing deep space images, conducting wide-field or transit surveys, or performing high-speed experiments like adaptive optics, near-Earth object detection, or solar astronomy, our deep-cooled, low-maintenance solutions help you achieve your objectives with precision.

Our Solutions for Space

Our Solutions for Space

X-Ray Technology

Integrated X-ray tube installed on Curiosity Rover

Oxford Instruments OY

Solar Intensity X-ray and Particle Spectrometer (SIXS) installed on BepiColombo

Our Missions

MARS 2020 Sample Return

  • Partnership between Oxford Instruments and University of Leicester to develop a state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation suite to analyze the first pristine samples from the surface of Mars.
  • NASA’s Perseverance rover (Feb 2021) has kicked off humankind’s first effort to return samples from Mars in the early 2030’s.
  • DWI will form a unique part of the ground segment that preserves the integrity of the precious samples, isolates them from the terrestrial biosphere (planetary protection) and facilitates frontier, scientific investigations to answer questions about life in the Solar System.
  • Mars Sample Return is a priority for UK Space Agency and STFC
  • DWI is a prestige project based at Space Park Leicester aiming to deliver world leading science and research facilities for the UK

Astronomy Technology

Andor Technology Ltd (“Andor”), is based in Belfast, UK and forms part of the Oxford Instrument group, Andor manufactures high end optical imaging detectors (CCD & CMOS based) typically used in ground based astronomy observation such as Near Earth Objects and Space Debris Tracking…etc, Andor we supply Low noise floor and high sensitivity for low signal observation, Large area sensors for maximum sky coverage and Fast time resolution to capture real time events and moving objects which are required for those challenging ground based observation. Meanwhile, our solutions has been used by the leading experts in these fields such as NASA JPL, ESO, Caltech….etc.

  • Andor Technology Ltd (“Andor”), is based in Belfast, UK and forms part of the Oxford Instrument PLC group
  • Andor manufactures high end optical imaging detectors (CCD & CMOS based)
  • These cameras are typically used in ground based astronomy including: Atmospheric and Deep Space Imaging, Exoplanet Discovery, Near Earth Objects and Space Debris Tracking, Solar Astronomy, Speckle and Lucky Imaging
  • Astronomical applications require state of the art high performance detector solutions:
    • Low noise floor and high sensitivity for low signal observation
    • Large area sensors for maximum sky coverage
    • Fast time resolution to capture real time events and moving objects
  • Andor has solutions used by the leading academic experts in these fields
    • Including: NASA JPL, ESO and Caltech

Astronomy Applications

For ground base space observation, Andor mainly supply high performance scientific cameras for NEOs (Near Earth Object) and space debris tracking.

NEOs and space debris tracking

This is one of the example of using andor cameras for space debris tracking. It is the most versatile instrument of the Swiss Optical Ground Station and Geodynamics Observatory Zimmerwald (SwissOGS). The telescope hosts both, the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) system, and the astronomical cameras used for the observation and the characterization of space debris objects. Until now, the ANDOR sCMOS camera was mainly used for the characterization of space debris by acquiring high-resolution light curves. 

Andor’s scientific cmos cameras offer fast frame rate and low noise, as such, by using the camera, we could improve the performances of the SLR system. The tracking camera in fact allows us to correct in real time the pointing of the telescope, thus helping us to overcome the limit given by the small field of view of the SLR system by shortening the target acquisition time. 

The correction of the telescope pointing allows us to measure, via SLR, the distance to the observed objects. At the same time, the camera provides simultaneously angular and brightness information, which can be merged with the ranges, for both, the orbit, and the attitude determination of the observed object. This feature becomes fundamental for space debris research.

ZIMLAT (at SwissOGS, Zimmerwald)

And recently, we introduce Balor, a new Very Large Area sCMOS camera which is designed for space debris tracking. It provides large field of view(69.9 mm diagonal), fast frame rate and extremely low noise simultaneously. It is the perfect tool for space debris tracking and our First customers is NASA JPL.

Balor - Very Large Area sCMOS

First Light Imaging

In 2024 we acquired a company called FLI. It is funded in 2011 and based in Provence France. First Light Imaging’s portfolios further extend andor’s imaging solutions from Vis range into Short Wave Infrared Range. And SWIR is quite critical because we see rapidly growing market for SWIR Imaging in a number of applications including Astronomy, satellite communications and Defence.

  • SWIR and Visible cameras and modules
  • Founded 2011 - Provence, France
  • Stemming from French public research laboratories in Astronomy (LAM and IPAG/CNRS)
  • 30 employees

What do First Light do?

  • Extend Imaging Solutions into SWIR
  • Today Andor do SWIR spectroscopy
  • Rapidly growing market for SWIR Imaging in a number of applications including Astronomy, Communications and Defence
First Light Imaging

Key Applications

Adaptive Optics / Wavefront sensing

The first key market is Adaptive Optics and Wavefront sensing. Because Ground base telescopes have compromised resolution due to atmospheric turbulence. In order to get the best image resolution, an adaptive optics systems need to be implanted to correct the atomospheric turbulence before taking the image. You can see the difference between a ground base telescope with and without AO systems.

Any AO system requires a wavefront camera as the detector. It help you to measure the wavefront and feed this info back to the deformable mirror to correct the wavefront(image) distortion caused by the atomospheric turbulence. It order to achieve real time correction, we will need a high frame rate good SNR and across Visible to SWIR range. That is exactly what FLI is good at. FLI can supply a wide range of camera for AO systems.

Ground base telescopes have compromised resolution due to atmospheric turbulence.

The correction is done before taking the image rather than afterwards. A deformable mirror real time corrects the distorted wavefront, based on fast frame rate info from the wavefront sensing camera.

Result = high resolution image.

Needs – Wavefront cameras with high frame rates, good SNR, SWIR and Vis solutions

Key Benefits

  • CRed 1 & 2 – Better SWIR SNR, ideal for natural guide stars. Super fast frame rates ideal.
  • CBlue 1 – sCMOS low noise and visible QE ideal for laser guide stars. Fastest sCMOS cameras.
  • No mechanical shutters
Application: Wavefront sensing & adaptive optics with First Light Imaging cameras (with Use Cases)

Free Space Optics

The second growing application is Fress Space Optics communication. Free Space Optics can be used for high throughput and long-distance communications. Demanding applications, such as space telecommunications and ground-to-ground comms. 

FSO communications are limited by a series of factors, overcome by using SWIR rather than visible. It is exactly what FLI can supply to the market. And FSO again requires a AO/Wavefront sensing system to correct the turbulence caused by the atmosphere. The new C-Red 3 FLI launched is a high speed low noise SWIR camera which is designed for this type of application.

    Enhance your FSO Application with C-RED 3 high-speed SWIR camera Application: Free Space Optical communications & Adaptive Optics with C-RED 3

    SWIR Products – Closer Look

    Uncooled Camera Core - InGaAs

    Space-approved sensor & space-designed electronics, 640 x 512, 15µm pixel

    New Space special features

    • Designed to maintain optical performance and support extreme conditions of space operations
    • Advanced thermal design
    • On-board processing (AGC, 2-point NUC, image flip, etc...)
    • Large operational temperature range
    • User prest confirgurations
    • Multiple sychronization configurations
    • Customization: Contact us to discuss your project

    Primary Applications

    • FSO Satellite Communications
    • Space exploration
    • Cubestats
    • Earth Observation / Hyperspectral