29 November 2021
Oxford Instruments NanoScience Supports Ground-breaking Work in Advanced Materials at University College Cork with Next-Generation Dilution Refrigerators
Today, Oxford Instruments NanoScience announces the supply of two next-generation Cryofree® dilution refrigerators to the University College Cork (UCC). One of the ProteoxMX systems includes a high homogeneity 14T magnet for increased experimental capacity.
“Our research into the fundamental physics of exotic states of electronic, magnetic, atomic and space-time quantum matter requires the latest cryogenic technological equipment so that we can push the boundaries of what's possible and maximise scientific efficiency and innovation,” says Prof. J. C. Séamus Davis, Professor of Quantum Physics at UCC. “By collaborating closely with Oxford Instruments NanoScience, we are able to leverage their next-generation systems and cryogenic technology.”
The research group, managed by Séamus Davis, concentrates on the fundamental physics of quantum materials, looking at electronic, magnetic, atomic and space-time quantum matter. Davis Group operates three suites of ultra-low vibration laboratories, one in Beecroft Building at Oxford University (UK), another in Clark Hall at Cornell University (US) and a third in the Kane Building at University College Cork (IE). The other key component of its quantum materials research program is at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, DE. The overall objective is to maximise scientific efficiency and productivity by conducting scientifically harmonised studies with complementary scientific instruments at all locations. The research focuses on the development of innovative instrumentation to allow direct atomic-scale visualisation or perception of the quantum many-body phenomena that are characteristic of advanced quantum matter.
“We’re delighted to be collaborating closely with Prof. Davis and his team of researchers to support their groundbreaking work in advancing our human understanding of quantum materials,” says Stuart Woods, Managing Director of Oxford Instruments NanoScience. “This is a really exciting time to be in the industry and to be part of the work that leading researchers such as the Davis Group are doing in this space. No other time in human history can we start to grasp what we do not know to the extent that we do now. It is truly exciting to be alive.”
Proteox is a next-generation Cryofree system that provides a step-change in modularity and adaptability for ultra-low temperature experiments in quantum materials and quantum computing industrialisation. The Proteox platform has been developed to provide a single, interchangeable and modular solution that can support multiple users and a variety of set-ups or experiments, while also enabling remote management. To find out more, visit: https://nanoscience.oxinst.com...

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