3 Nov
Oxford Instruments joins Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE)

Oxford Instruments has announced today that they are partnering with the Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE), an intellectual hub for quantum information science and engineering.
Oxford Instruments will work with CQE through collaborative research efforts, and joint workshops to identify critical technical challenges and solutions in the quantum space, and student internship opportunities to train the quantum workforce.
The CQE brings together leading academic researchers, national lab facilities, and corporate partners to develop and drive the research underpinning next-generation quantum technology, such as quantum computers, ultra-sensitive magnetometers, quantum repeaters, and single-photon detectors.
“Oxford Instruments is a leader in enabling researchers and industry to harness the power of quantum information science”, said David Awschalom, the Liew Family Professor in Molecular Engineering and Physics at the University of Chicago, senior scientist at Argonne, director of the Chicago Quantum Exchange, and director of Q-NEXT, a Department of Energy Quantum Information Science Center. “We look forward to adding their knowledge and expertise to our growing network”.
Oxford Instruments plc is a global manufacturer of scientific equipment for device fabrication, cryogenics, and materials characterization. Several Oxford Instruments’ divisions offer leading-edge solutions for quantum applications:
- Oxford Instruments NanoScience manufactures market-leading cryogenic refrigerators and wiring solutions to cool and control superconducting quantum devices at the milliKelvin temperatures required for device operation.
- Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology provides critical thin film etch, chemical vapor deposition, and atomic layer deposition equipment used to make high-performance quantum processes and sensors in the superconducting, color center (diamond/SiC), and quantum photonic spaces.
- Oxford Instruments Asylum Research manufactures high-performing Atomic Force Microscopes used to characterize quantum device surfaces to better understand and improve their performance.
- Oxford Instruments Andor Technology has developed a market-leading portfolio of sCMOS, EMCCD and CCD cameras that are widely used in entangled photon studies, leading to important new capabilities in quantum optics and quantum information science.
“Oxford Instruments is excited to be part of such an impactful and innovative group, and we look forward to working along with all of the Chicago Quantum Exchange member institutions and partners”, said Bill Keating, President of Oxford Instruments America. “Oxford Instruments’ equipment has been used in countless major quantum computing breakthroughs and is used in some capacity in hundreds of quantum device research labs. The partnership with the Chicago Quantum Exchange furthers Oxford Instruments’ deep support for quantum science and engineering”.
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Issued for and on behalf of Oxford Instruments