
KAUST / Oxford Instruments Symposium


KAUST Campus, Thuwal (Saudi Arabia)


Feburary 4th - 6th, 2025


Asylum Research, Magnetic Resonance, WITec | Raman

Register here

Oxford Instruments is pleased to announce the Symposium

Innovation in Characterization: Raman, AFM and NMR Across Scientific Frontiers

which will be held in cooperation with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

Date: February 04th - 06th, 2025
Location: KAUST campus, Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

This multidisciplinary conference brings together the Raman, AFM and NMR spectroscopy community to share leading-edge developments in methodology and technology. Researchers from all areas of application are cordially invited to participate.

A lineup of esteemed speakers from academia and industry will present their work in fields ranging from materials and semiconductors research as well as environmental and life sciences to geo- and petrographic sciences.

Each day will feature a focused equipment demonstration and hands-on session which will allow attendees to engage directly with application scientists and experienced users to discuss the requirements in their individual fields of applications. 

The organizers very much look forward to seeing the local imaging and analysis community gather to see what insights and innovations will drive the research forward in the future.

Register here

Tuesday, February 4th 2025

Material Science, 2D Materials & Semiconductors

08:00 Registration & Welcome (Bambar Davaasuren)
08:30 Introduction to Oxford Instruments (Nour Hafi)

Segment 1 - Material Science

  • 08:45 Confocal Raman Imaging Techniques and Applications in Material Science​ (Thomas Meyer)
  • 09:10 Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Implanted Ga2O3 Films (Kishor Upadhyaya)
  • 09:35 Shining a Light on Electrochemistry: Shell Isolated Nanoparticle-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Operando Measurements (Jeremy Bau)

Coffee Break

Segment 2 - 2D Materials & Semiconductors

  • 10:45 Atomic Force Microscopy Measuring modes and Applications on 2D Materials​ (Chia-Yun Lai)
  • 11:10 Raman Characterization of 2D Materials (Xiangming Xu)
  • 10:35 Probing Ferroelectric Domain Evolution in 2D Materials Using Piezoresponse Force Microscope (Yinchang Ma)
  • 12:00 Talk t.b.d.

Lunch Break


Segment 3 - Hands-on Sessions: Correlative Raman Imaging & Advanced Techniques​

Group Sessions:

    • Confocal Raman Microscopy​
    • Atomic Force Microscopy
    • KAUST CoreLab Tour

Wednesday, February 5th 2025

Marine and Environmental Science, Polymers and Life Science​

08:30 Registration & Coffee

Segment 1 - Marine and Environmental Science

  • 08:45 Pollution and Marine Science Applications with Raman Microscopy (Thomas Meyer)
  • 09:10 Raman Spectroscopy: Insights and Applications inOrganic Electronics (Jose Piers Jurado Carlin)
  • 09:35 Talk t.b.d.
  • 10:00 Talk t.b.d.

Coffee Break

Segment 2 - Polymers and Life Science

  • 10:45 Physical Properties Determination of Polymers and Cells Surfaces​ (Chia-Yun Lai)
  • 11:10 FM, AFM-Raman and TERS​ (Manola Moretti)
  • 11:35 Talk t.b.d.
  • 12:00 Correlative Microscopy Advantages (Nour Hafi)

Lunch Break


Segment 3 - Hands-on Sessions: Correlative Raman Imaging & Advanced Techniques

Group Sessions:

    • Confocal Raman Microscopy​
    • Atomic Force Microscopy
    • KAUST CoreLab Tour

Thursday, February 6th 2025

Geosciences, Petroleum and Energy Science

08:15 Registration & Welcome
08:30 Introduction to OI & GIT (Nour Hafi)


  • 08:45 Introduction to GeoSpec Applications and Analysis (Michael Dick)

Coffee Break

  • 11:00 Raman Microscopy in Petroleum and Rock Analysis (Nour Hafi)
  • 11:30 Talk t.b.d.
  • 12:00 Advances in Geospec and Rock Analysis (Derrick Green)

Lunch Break


Hands-On Sessions: Petroleum and Rock Analysis with NMR and Raman

Group Sessions:

    • GeoSpec​ Instrumentation, Data Evaluation and Analysis​
    • Confocal Raman Microscopy​
    • CoreLab or Petroleum Center Tour