
Workshop: Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy and recent advances


Eindhoven, Netherlands


14-15 June 2023

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Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy and recent advances

Eindhoven, June 14-15, 2023

Oxford Instruments and the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS) of the Eindhoven University of Technology will host a free workshop, introducing Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and highlights latest advances in the field. The workshop is aimed at both novices as well as existing users wishing to expand their knowledge.

On June 14, you will hear from the experts on the latest developments in techniques for materials science and biophysical applications as well as having dedicated microscope time to put what you've learnt into practice.

On June 15, individual 1-hour slots can be reserved to measure your own samples with the AFM.


If you are interested to run your own samples with us in a Live Demo, please highlight that in the registration form.


Eindhoven University of Technology

Ceres Building – Lectureroom ICMS 0.31

De Zaale

5612 AZ Eindhoven

The Netherlands



Lunch will be provided and registration is free, but all attendees must register due to limited seating. Click the "Register Now" button to confirm your attendance.

If you wish to bring your own samples to image during the Live Demos on the 15th, please mark that in the Registration Form.

We're looking forward to meeting you at our workshop and discussing your current work and research with you. If you would like to join the workshop, please complete the form below.

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